Sunday, January 24, 2010

My blogging cherry has been popped!

Who would have thought? Here I am.....blogging. ahaha but I guess, why not? I figure here I can vent and bitch, tell funny stories that happen to me, and blog about it. haha

Ok first off I want to make a small sign. I would have this sign in my car with me. It would be 2 sided. One side would say "GET OFF YOUR PHONE."

It's to the point. There are enough terrible drivers out there, and nothing pisses me off more then when I pull up next to some fucking moron and they are on their phone. They passed the law for a reason. And shit, if I can drive and not talk on the fucking phone, so can you! Get a fucking bluetooth!

The other side of the sign would say "I'M CHECKING OUT YOUR XB, NOT YOU."
haha I've learned so much about xbs that if I ever see one fixed up, I try to pay attention to the details so I can tell Heinz about it. But it gets all awkward cause the dude thinks I'm trying to check them out. But I'm really checking their xb out. haha!

Ok is this good enough for my 1st blog? OMG should I blog about my blog?